The following are pictures of Nursery Web Spiders that have been submitted to me by others living in Michigan. In doing this, I am able to show pictures of spiders in Michigan that I myself have not seen as well as more pics of those I have posted officially as being in Michigan.
Please understand that the Nursery Web Spiders in this section may or may not be indigenous to Michigan. I would hope that others would be honest and actually send pics of spiders they have actually found in Michigan, but I cannot make any guarantees.
I would also like to thank all of those listed below for their kindness in sending me these pics and giving me permission to use them as well as their first name and city.

Jenny - Rogers City area - (Her husband found it while hunting in the area.)

Kate - Auburn Hills Mi. - (I believe this to be a Nursery Web Spider, even after originally thinking it a Wolf Spider. I am still not positive on this one.)

Katlin - Plainwell Mi.

Monica - Canadian Lakes Mi.

Jamie - Jennison Mi.